India’s leading telecom operator Airtel has announced postpaid 3G data plans for iPhone 5. This is a very attractive offer for Apple lovers from Airtel. The iPhone 5 data plan will essentially offer its monthly data plans for half the price. Airtel has announced total four plans.
The cheapest one starts at Rs 300, which gives postpaid users 200 MB of 3G data, 300 SMSs and 500 minutes of call time. The Rs 500 plans offers users 500 MB of 3G data, 400 SMSes and 900 minutes of call time. The Rs 800 plan offers users 1.2GB of 3G data, 500 SMSes, and 1,400 minutes of call time. The most expensive plan costs Rs 1,000 and it offers users 3GB of 3G data, 600 SMSes, and 1,500 minutes of call time.
While the iPhone 5 supports LTE frequencies, but it doesn’t work on Airtel’s 4G LTE network, which was launched earlier this year. According Rohit Malhotra, chief executive officer, Airtel will be launching handsets compatible with their 4G networks in the future. Currently they offers USB dongles and a Wireless Gateway which are based on ZTE’s TD-LTE standard.
iPhone 5 comes with latest iOS 6 which is the world’s most advanced mobile operating system with over 200 new features including: Facebook integration, all-new Maps app, Shared Photo Streams and Passbook organization.